Performance of two shallot cultivar (Allium cepa var. ascalonicum) at five planting dates. II. Yield and quality of bulbs

Moisés Escaff G.1, Maria Verónica Larenas de la F.2 y Gastón Bruna D.3

The trial was carried out La. Platina Experimental Station, Instituto de Investigaciones Agropecuarias, located at the Metropolitan Region, during 1988-1989 season. The objectives were to determine the elfect of five pianting dates on yield and bulb size in two shallot cultivar. The trials were set in asplit-plot design wtth lour replications. The treatments were the two cultivar: Jermor and Limador. The subtreatments were the five planting dates: June 23, July 22, August 22, September 26 and October 25, 1988. As the planting date was delayed, in both cullivars, the marketable and exportable yields (ton/ha) tended to decrease. The highest yieids were reached in the two earlier planting dates, Jermor showing a beller response than Limador. Shallots stablished in June and July reached the highest exportable percentages, which were 85.4 and 87.1% in Jermor and 77.8 and 77.0% in Limador, respectively. The greatest amount of discardedbulbs was obtained in September planting date with Jermor and in July planting date with Limador.

Keywords: shallot, Amum cepa var. ascalonicum, plantlng date, cultivars, marketable yield, exportable percentage.
1 Estación Experimental La Platina (INIA), Casilla 439, Correo 3, Santiago, Chile.
2 Centro Internacional de la Papa (CIP), Casilla 16487, Correo 9, Santiago, Chile.
3 Departamento de Desarrollo Rural, Facultad de Ciencias Agrarías y Forestales. Universidad de Chile, Casilla 1004 , Santiago, Chile.