ABSTRACT Nutritional and nodulation status of bean crops in the VIII Region, Chile
Luis Longeri S.1, Iván Vidal P.1, Gotardo Schenkel S.1 y Alfonso Herrera O.1 |
To assess the nodulation and nutrrrional status of dry bean in the VIII Regi6n, Chile, a surveyof 148 sown fields was carried out during January 1987. At early flowering stage, in each sampling site, plants were digged to determine number and dry weight of nodules. Atthe same time, leave and soil samples were collected for chemical analysis. In general, the nodulation was poor. In 23 srres (15,5 %) no nodulated plants were observed, and in the nodulated onesthe nodulation had mean values of 12,6 nodules, weighting 17,1 mg, per plant. The lowest values were observad in clay textural soils. According to foliar analysis, 47% oflhe bean crops were defficient in phosphorus and 14% were defficient in potassium; 65% showed excessive concentrations of manganesa and 58% had an excess of iron. The concentration of other nutrients (N, Ca, Mg, Zn and Cu) were between the normal ranges. |
Keywords: Phaseolus vulgaris, bean, nodulation, legume, rhizobium, nutrition, Chile. |
1 Facultad de Cienctas Agropecuarias y Forestales Universidad de Concepción, Casilla 537, Chlllán, Chile. |